God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

About Sweet Samara

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My beautiful LesLee, Olivia (L) Samara (R)

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Beautiful eyes, perfect smile, the most precious giggle, that look she gives me when I say something silly...that's my wonderful, sweet Samara.   Her name means protected by God.  She is the most shy of my angels, and oh, so smart!   (I promise I'm not biased at all.)

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Sky aglow
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Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, TN
(Like this has never been photographed before!)
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Seagulls, Orlando Florida
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Sundial, UNA, Florence, Alabama
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Setting Sun behind O'Neal Bridge, Florence, Alabama


  1. From the pictures I've seen, Beautiful Leslee looks just like her mom. I've really enjoyed & been blessed by the writer's challenge blogs written about each of your beautiful & beloved grandbabies and family members. My prayers especially go out to your Uncle JR, who healing from physical injuries, being elderly is also suffering the earthly separation of his long time spouse, Aunt Margaret. May we all rest easy in the promise that we will be united in Heaven for all Eternity!

    1. He is doing a little better...still can't take care of himself, and can live alone, but he's better. It's a long road to recovery, the doctors said it would be. And I think the hope of knowing Jesus and were our loved ones are that makes the pain of losing them bearable. Thank you...

  2. The pic of Oneil bridge brings back so many memories. I've crossed it so many times, in good times and in very bad times in my life. I've crossed it for what I thought to be the last time. It seems no matter how far away I run from that bridge, life always brings it back. It pops up in your blog today, but I'm no longer afraid because thru the grace of God I can cross any bridge, mountain, desert, ocean, icescape or obstacle. God Bless.

    1. I hope the picture didn't bring you down. You know I love you and would have never wanted that! And you're right, with His grace, we can do all things.

  3. Oh, your grandies look so sweet! Love the pics, especially the last one of the bridge. Gorgeous!

  4. A nice cross-section of pics on this post, again.

  5. Your "girls" are gorgeous! I love that sun dial picture! We're almost there!


    1. Thanks, Betty! I love the sundial. There's a bell in behind it, if you can make that out.

  6. What a pretty post from start to finish! Hug.


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