God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

About Today's Thankful Thoughts

Being Thankful:
  • As I am fiddling with the knobs on my shower to get just the right temperature for my shower, there are people in this world who have no running water in their homes.
  • As I adjust the gauges in my car to make my ride home the most comfortable it can be, there are many people with no vehicles, no way to work, to buy groceries, to go to the doctor…
  • As I groan because I barely had money to eat out three times after paying all my bills, there are people who struggle to pay their bills, and those who can’t pay them. 
  • As I complain about my house which needs some paint and a few repairs here and there, there are people who live under bridges and in alleyways. 
  • As I wish for more money to buy new bedroom furniture, there are people who sleep on concrete. 

I could go on…and on…but you see what I’m saying. Lord, forgive me for murmuring and complaining, and remind me daily to be even more thankful than I was the day before.

T for Tulips
All shots from Springtime at
The University of North Alabama
 photo 2013AtoZFlowers2_zps709cabc8.jpg 





Today is all we have to deal with for these next twenty-four hours. We should manage it thoughtfully and wisely, and quit letting the worries of tomorrow interfere with enjoying today. We can walk through whatever trials come our way if we remember we only have to deal with today. Remember that the God who created you didn’t leave you to fend for yourself, but He has promised to provide for us and protect us. I am so thankful.

May you be blessed beyond your expectations.


  1. Marvellous flower pics, enjoyed them and agree with your thought of living one day at a time with gratitude and mindfully. Here from the A-Z.
    All the best

  2. I, too, am guilty of being not ungrateful but not grateful enough.

    When we had no power, I was grateful we had candles and a creek to bath in and drinking water in the spring. So many do not have that.

    A wonderful post of gratitude.

  3. I like tulips. They often have snow on their leaves up here. Such hardy and persevering posies. :)

    And, yes, I often have to stop and remind myself how extravagantly blessed I am to be able to fuss about some of the things that concern me (Like not being able to find new dish towels that match my kitchen.)

    Gratitude becomes us for God is good. All the time.


    1. I love tulips, too, but I didn't realize they were so hardy! They just don't stick around very long, so I assumed they were delicate...

      God is definitely good...and patient, and long-suffering, and I am so thankful!

  4. Living in Dhaka, Bangladesh for over 3 years taught me to be grateful. Witnessing the suffering of others changed my entire family profoundly. I will never forget when we returned to Canada and the school expected us to purchase new pencil crayons and markers for the beginning of the school year. My kids were disgusted and refused to purchase new materials when their used ones were quite fine. They remembered seeing our house workers rummage through our garbage for pencils sharpened down to next to nothing. It was a wonderful lesson in being thankful for hot water, for electricity, for the privilege of refusing to eat certain kinds of food, for reliable transport, for drinking water and the list can go on and on. Great reminder today! Thank you!

    1. I think your children are amazing. What they did was very intelligent & mature. It's great for children to have such well rounded backgrounds to be able to live among & experience other cultures. I believe your children have awesome parents too. They are going to grow up to be very good decent human beings. God Bless your family.

    2. What a touching story! I've never been brave enough to go outside the US...pitiful as that is.

  5. My gosh those flower pictures! Exquisitely stunning (I'm not sure I spelled that right). It is easy to take for granted what we have until we start realizing how incredibly blessed we are and then in gratitude we should always thank God for everything we have because it does all come from him.


    1. It looks spelled right to me! heheh

      I so often forget to be thankful, but I try daily to remember to thank Him for all the blessings in my life.

    2. And thank you! See? I even forgot to say "Thank you."

  6. This is a great way in which to share the concept of gratitude. Thank you for a wonderful reminder; nice to ponder as I lay myself down to sleep.

  7. This is a great way in which to share the concept of gratitude. Thank you for a wonderful reminder; nice to ponder as I lay myself down to sleep.

    1. It sometimes astounds me of the things we take for granted that others do not even think about having. I sometimes feel very selfish.

  8. As always your flower pictures are beyond beautiful, something else we can be thankful for since our God made them for our enjoyment. LOVED your post and feel such a connection to it. We all complain too much, and need to be reminded to be grateful and thankful for what we have, for we have much.


What are your thoughts?