God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

About Those F Words

Fiery Sunset photo Fire in the sky_zpsjidfvqw7.jpg
Fiery Sky

Even though the Bible tells us not to fear over 300 times, I’m a ‘fraidy cat.  I hate to admit it, but I am.   I particularly don't like spiders (even if I did dub myself "The Brown Recluse) and storms...the severe/tornadic ones, that is. What are you afraid of?

 photo Foggy UNA_zpss0scfuew.jpg
Foggy Morning (University of North Alabama)

I am fairly certain that it is feasible for folks with even the foggiest brains to memorize scripture. If we fiercely follow goals we make, by the time the day is finished, we can have some scripture in our heads and in our hearts. It was written for you, after all.

Five tips to help you memorize scripture:
Your favorite verses.
Index cards are cheap, handy, and portable.
One verse at a time works best.
Be faithful; spend time every day looking over your current memory verse.
Get a friend to join your effort.

Fall Colors photo Fall_zpsozjclyn1.jpg
Fall Color
 photo Flower_zps5r1jjvot.jpg


  1. Maybe I'll start using flashcards with my Sunday School kids!

    1. Flash cards definitely working when it comes to learning. Put lots of color and pictures on there, and you'll have 'em hooked.

  2. Fall color is one of my favorite kind of F words.

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  3. Beautiful photo's. I have a healthy fear of weather also, have had trees fall on several different houses, I'm afraid of snakes, horses, and large dogs.

    Sandy at Bridge and Beyond

    1. Thank you!
      If a tree were to fall on my house, I'd be even more afraid, and I am not sure if "more afraid" is possible. Really, I should trust God more, shouldn't I?

  4. I have a terrible time memorizing Scripture. to compound that, many of the verses I have memorized began with the KJV. Then I began reading the NASB, and then the NIV. As a result, the verses I have memorized are a composite of all the versions. Sighhh. So I now refer to my memorized verses as paraphrases. :}

    The Word is, indeed, hidden in my heart--it's just not spoken out so well. :}

    1. It's not spoken out so well for me either, at least not on a long term basis.

  5. Both hubby and I've flirted with the idea of retiring near my son and family in Alabama (o/s Montgomery) ... but hearing and seeing the aftermath of some of your tornado activity makes me weak in the knees.

  6. Great tips for memorizing Scripture. I use index cards; I need to get back to it. Instead of what am I afraid of, it should be what am I not afraid of, LOL :) Mainly something terrible happening to a certain family member who God has been so generous with protecting. Love the tree :)


    1. Yeah...I fully get the idea of what I'm not afraid of. That might be the shorter list. Bless both our certain some-ones.


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